Tribune photo shoot at Tina’s apartment

Last Friday, the Tribune came to photograph our house. I was out running errands in the morning and when I returned, the house had been transformed with flowers in purple and white, and every single vase, pot and tray I owned was used, arranged and rearranged in the house. I kept thinking how do I replicate this every day of the year! Our interior designer also brought in a few new pieces, such as an enormous white pot that he filled with flowering branches. It was also very interesting to watch the photographer at work. My seven year old son became his assistant. He hid behind our couch (look closely at the photo) and whenever the photographer's flash went off he had to turn our floor lamp on and off. He also took a few candid shots of the boys and me. My seven year old played on the marble foyer with his "wrestling guys," my two year lined up his Mickie Mouse and Disney figurines, and I was typing on my iPhone. That's how we roll!!! I can't wait to see the story next month!

A old vase filled with purple tulips.

A view from our living room.

Alex hiding behind the grey couch waiting for the photographer's instruction.

Another view.
CATEGORIES: Kids and family, Beautiful things
Valentine’s Day

From the time my son was around 2, I was determined to prepare a family dinner instead of making a meal for the kids, and then an additional meal for me and my husband. To change things up a bit for Valentine's Day (and to give us some adult time), I made the kids 'breakfast for dinner' with heart shaped oatmeal pancakes, chicken sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit, and a heart-shaped cookie for dessert. I gave them each their own tiny pitcher for syrup; their favorite part of the meal. At bedtime my daughter asked if we could have the same meal every year on Valentine's Day, and when I said yes, she asked me to write it down so I wouldn't forget. It was a huge hit.
As much as I enjoyed snacking on pancakes with the kids, I was really looking forward to a grown-up meal and some time to reconnect after a hectic week. After the kids were asleep, my husband and I opened some champagne and I prepared our meal. I wanted to recreate a special meal we enjoyed while on an anniversary trip to Napa years ago (before kids), so I found the recipe for Thomas Keller's trout, haricots verts and almond dish from Bouchon Bistro. I can't say that it compared to that meal nine years ago, but it definitely brought back memories.
A Valentine's Day craft bag
CATEGORIES: Kids and family
Chic in Andersonville: Scout
My second stop in Andersonville was an urban antique shop called Scout. In contrast to Brimfield's vibrancy, Scout's vibe is restrained and serene. Every piece has a clean lined simplicity, with an industrial edge. I was immediately attracted to a number of beautiful works of art by Chicago artists Michael McGuire, Chuck Meyers, and Jill Metcoff, as well as sculptural reclaimed lamps by Ted Harris. I especially loved Michael McGuire's crosshatch penwork treess. They reminded me of Elizabeth Nuti's work on display at Sojourn. Owner Larry Vodak offers several piees of advice on decorating your home on the Scout website, but my favorite is, "Don't go out in search of the perfect piece. Be open to stumbling upon the real treasures you'll love for a lifetime. Remember, true love never happens when you're looking for it." Advice to live by.
A view toward the back of the store with Ted Harris globe pendants overhead

Lamps by Ted Harris, and photography by Jill Metcoff

Artwork by Michael McGuire

Artwork by Chuck Meyers
A cabinet displaying more work by Michael McGuire
A closer view of Michael's work
CATEGORIES: Places, Beautiful things