Perfume Bottles Gone Wild

I have always found beauty in simplicity. In general, I gravitate toward things that are understated. When I was developing Ellie, the bottle that I envisioned was classic and timeless; something reminiscent of vintage bottles that I love, with clean, modest decoration. It's a demure bottle that doesn't scream for attention, and if it were on the shelves next to a bottle created to be a beacon, like so many are these days, it could easily become a wallflower. An article in the Wall Street Journal entitled Perfume Bottles Gone Wild highlighted this phenomenon. According to the article, "There were roughly 1,200 fragrances for women and men launched world-wide last year, more than three times the number of launches a decade ago and more than 15 times the number two decades ago, according to Fragrances of the World, an industry databank". Although I can appreciate dramatic flowers and embellishments in the shapes of lips sprouting from perfume caps, I haven't been tempted to purchase them. I am not immune to the lure of beautiful bottles and packaging (with perfume, beauty products, and even olive oil). I think it can give you a preview of what you will experience when you open the product. That said, it's what's inside the bottle that counts, and I like to leave some things to the imagination.

Two images above, via F. Martin Ramin for the Wall Street Journal

CATEGORIES: Perfume news, events and articles
Aerin Lauder

To get a sneak peek into the medicine cabinets, makeup bags and fascinating lives of stylemakers, check out Into The Gloss. Emily Weiss's interviews are conversational and relaxed, and the intimate photography makes you feel like a fly on the wall. I've always admired Aerin Lauder for carrying on her grandmother's legacy so gracefully, so I was thrilled to see the recent ITG post on her makeup and beauty routine. She also discusses the launch of AERIN, her own beauty and lifestyle brand which is focused on her 7 essential products. Her thoughts on doing what feels comfortable for you and not feeling pressure to follow trends strikes a chord with me: "Just because something is on trend doesn’t mean you have to embrace it. You can look at it and admire it, but that doesn’t mean you have to wear black nail polish or red lipstick. If you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, you’ll look your best, and I think that’s a really important idea." I couldn't agree more.

All photos courtesy of Emily Weiss via Into the Gloss
CATEGORIES: Perfume news, events and articles
Santa Monica Oasis

I recently spent several days at Disneyland with my two children, and was struck by a few magical memories of the place...Space Mountain, It's a Small World, and the teacups ride. Following our time at Disney, we decamped to Santa Monica, and spent a long, relaxing evening at my Aunt Susan and Uncle Jim's home. We all explored their garden, caught up, and had an delicous home-made dinner. Our visit brought back memories from a trip I made the summer before I entered 5th grade. I, too, had traveled West with my family, and had spent some time at Disney before visiting my Aunt and Uncle's home. I found that my childhood memories of Susan and Jim's home and the experiences I had there, far surpassed the memories I have of our time at Disney, and I think my kids felt the same way.
My aunt, a gifted landscape architect, has created a garden that has always felt like an urban oasis, completely removed from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It contains succulents, orchids, lemon trees, winding stone paths, cascading moss, and a lovely fountain that lends an even more peaceful air to the space. When you wind your way down the path, you are completely transported. I have vivid memories of meals on the terrace overlooking the garden, my Uncle's homemade bread and Dutch apple pancakes, my Aunt's homemade apricot jam, and delicious dinners. When we visited last week, as we were walking through the garden with the kids in tow, my Aunt reached down and picked arugula, and it ended up in our salad later in the evening. The lemons my children picked came home to our hotel, and made delicious lemonade the next day. It was an amazing feeling to see my children experiencing the same magic that I experienced as a child.