An LA visit
I snuck away for a long weekend in LA a few weeks ago to attend a bridal shower for one of my dearest friends from childhood (we met in 5th grade!). Guests were asked to bring their favorite beauty products for the bride-to-be, and I loved seeing all of the can't-live-without products that she ended up with. She won't have to buy make up and beauty products for a few years! I brought Benefit's Benetint and They're Real Mascara, Josie Maran Argan Oil and Bert's Bee's Tinted Chap Stick, and tucked it all inside the monogrammed toiletry bag/travel pouch I made for her honeymoon.
It was an incredible visit filled with quaility time with the girls from home (with lots of late night reminiscing), a visit with a friend I met in Chicago who moved to Redondo Beach (I wrote about our last visit here), shopping on Abbot Kinney, visits with family in Santa Monica, and a stop at NEWBEAUTY at Fred Segal, where my perfumes are carried. The trip couldn't have been more amazing.
Here are a few shots from the visit...
A tiny selection of the loot the bride-to-be received
Our detox snack at Feed the morning after the festivities
I love cake stands, so was drawn to this stack at Bountiful
A vignette at Tumbleweed and Dandelion
Succulents and stripes outside
Handmade pottery by Samantha Robinson at Flannel
NEWBEAUTY at Fred Segal
The perfume room at NEWBEAUTY
The lovely Redondo Beach lunch that my friend managed to pull together for the two of us, despite having her three kids in tow
CATEGORIES: Places, Beautiful things
Spring Break
The weather in Chicago has been dismal, so I'm holding onto visions of our recent trip to the Dominican Republic. We indulged in delicious meals and local cocktails, spent time in the pool and the sand, and truly unplugged for the first time in ages.
My daughter made a friend from Venezuela, and despite the language barrier, they loved every minute they spent together. Although our place is not advertised as a family resort, it had the cutest bunk room for the kids (along with tiny robes and slippers), which made bedtime easy, and our evenings much more relaxing. It was the perfect balance of grown-up amenities, with child friendly touches, so the whole family was happy.
Here are a few glimpses of our getaway....

The golf cart was the most exciting part of the trip for my car/truck obsessed son
My favorite perch
My daughter and her new friend

The kids bunk room
The view from our favorite, beach side restaurant
CATEGORIES: Kids and family, Places
Chic in Andersonville: Scout
My second stop in Andersonville was an urban antique shop called Scout. In contrast to Brimfield's vibrancy, Scout's vibe is restrained and serene. Every piece has a clean lined simplicity, with an industrial edge. I was immediately attracted to a number of beautiful works of art by Chicago artists Michael McGuire, Chuck Meyers, and Jill Metcoff, as well as sculptural reclaimed lamps by Ted Harris. I especially loved Michael McGuire's crosshatch penwork treess. They reminded me of Elizabeth Nuti's work on display at Sojourn. Owner Larry Vodak offers several piees of advice on decorating your home on the Scout website, but my favorite is, "Don't go out in search of the perfect piece. Be open to stumbling upon the real treasures you'll love for a lifetime. Remember, true love never happens when you're looking for it." Advice to live by.
A view toward the back of the store with Ted Harris globe pendants overhead

Lamps by Ted Harris, and photography by Jill Metcoff

Artwork by Michael McGuire

Artwork by Chuck Meyers
A cabinet displaying more work by Michael McGuire
A closer view of Michael's work
CATEGORIES: Places, Beautiful things